Monday, March 23, 2009

My Lost

In a hectic situation right now, I enjoy playing football. After I got spirit using my new boot. The D-Day finally came. Yesterday, my course 4 SZC (Computer Engineering) versus 4 SZM (Mechanical Engineering). It ended up with my team lost 1-3. So sad maa... The first half ended up with 4 SZM led 2-0, when the 2nd half started; I sub my friend, Shah as a striker. Haha... what the player!!! (Scream like actor in slum dog millionaire). Alhamdulillah, I finally scored my first goal for my team. The result was 1-2. Just after that goal, 4 SZM has tried so many times, as the result, they scored another goal. Hurmmm... It seem like everybody has lost their spirit. (Can't be commando lah). The result stayed until the final whistle blown out. Instead of our lost, I would like to thank my friend who assisted me to score our single goal. Thank you everybody. Good game, good try, good performance... What the players!!!

My Team

Last week, I had shooting training. What a special in this event? I shoot with my new vision after my LASIK surgery. I know you know my shooting result right? . 5 years in cadet’s life, Styer AUG rifle is just our expertise (no arrogance!). We used to experience the condition where there were so many bullets but then, we don’t have the ability to shoot continuously. Thus, on that day, I taught my juniors how to use this rifle. They were so exited, I was so happy to teach them. I know how excited they were because I had my excited experience too when it was the first time. “We are soldiers gentlemen! Prepare for the worst, comfort is not essential.”

Super Duper Senior

My English performance, I feel more confident to speak in English. However, I realize that I must have extra effort in improving my English. My target is to speak confidently and fluently and to have a good writing skill before commissioning. Actually, I had group presentation on Engineering Ethic last week. I presented in English. What I can conclude is, I have difficulty in finding the right word and consequently, I have so many pauses. It looks unprofessional. The second problem is my presentation is dull because of my stiffness. Hurmm.. I still don’t satisfy with my proficiency in English. Therefore, keep on practicing Muadz!!! Man Jadda Wa Jadda…

Presentation in front bro!!!…

Ahmad Muadz Ahmad Shuhaili
57000 Kuala Lumpur


Anonymous said...

isk isk....
penat kita training tiap2 ptg muadz..
third goal is my mistake..

Azraai Ahmad said...

“We are soldiers gentlemen! Prepare for the worst, comfort is not essential.”

boleh jadi tema mukhayyam gombak nih!

Ahmad Muadz said...

Xpe2 walid... Good try~... Hurm.. Bile mukhayyam gombak? Soldier tu tukar da'ie okey kot.. :-)

MS Rizal said...

Okey, skot! Ni assignment aku hari tu, sumber:

Maksudnya: Kita telah pulang dari jihad yang kecil ( peperangan) dan kita menuju kepada jihad yang lebih besar/paling besar. Para sahabat berkata: Apakah jihad yang paling besar? Rasulullah berkata: Jihad menentang hawa nafsu.

Kedudukan Hadis:

Hadis ini telah dinilai sebagai hadis dhaif oleh Syuaib al Arnaouth ketika beliau menyemak hadis-hadis di dalam buku Jami’ al ‘Ulum Wa al Hikam tulisan Ibn Rajab al Hanbali[35].Beliau telah mengambil pandangan Ibnu Hajar al Asqalani yang menyatakan bahawa kata-kata ini ialah kata-kata seorang ulama tabiin yang bernama Ibrahim Bin ‘Ablah.

Menurut al Albani dalam Silsilah al Ahadith al Dhaifah: Munkar. Al Albani telah menukilkan kata-kata Ibnu Taimiyyah (728H) dalam Majmu’ al Fatawa:

Tidak ada asalnya (hadis tersebut) dan tidak diriwayatkan oleh pakar-pakar yang mengetahui tentang kata-kata Nabi SAW dan perbuatan baginda. Dan memerangi orang-orang kafir (jihad) adalah sebesar-besar amalan bahkan merupakan amalan yang terbaik yang dilakukan oleh seseorang manusia[36].


Hadis ini boleh menyebabkan sebahagian umat Islam tersalah anggap lantas memperkecilkan kefardhuan jihad dan keagungan pahala mereka yang berjihad sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di dalam Al Quran dan hadis-hadis sahih. Hadis ini sering digunakan oleh mereka yang bercakap atas nama kesufian untuk menunjukkan betapa pentingnya jihad melawan kehendak hawa nafsu. Tiada siapa yang menafikan perlunya kita melawan nafsu yang ingin mengajak ke arah maksiat dan sudah sedia ada di dalam hadis-hadis sahih tentang kepentingan mujahadah menentang kehendak nafsu ini seperti hadis Nabi SAW:

Azraai Ahmad said...

Jazakallah kepada Akh Rizal atas penjelasan ttg hadis tersebut.

Ahmad Muadz said...

TQ Rizal. Such a great share.

atiejay said...

Your lost is someone's else gain! This is the nature of life.


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